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5 Essential Tips for Planning Your EV Charging During Summer Road Trips

Summer is a great time to embark on a road trip and explore new places, and with electric vehicles (EVs) becoming increasingly popular, more and more people are choosing to take their EVs out across the country. However, planning your EV charging during summer road trips requires some extra considerations compared to regular daily driving. This blog post will discuss some useful tips for planning your EV charging during your summer travels.

1. Plan Your Route Carefully

The first step in planning your EV charging during a summer road trip is carefully planning your route. This includes identifying charging stations along your route and determining how far apart they are. You should also consider the charging speed of each station and factor in any detours or unexpected stops that may affect your journey. Several online tools and smartphone apps are available to help you plan your route, such as PlugShare, EV Trip Planner, and ChargePoint. These tools provide information on charging stations, locations, and speeds, allowing you to lay out your route and charging stops accordingly.

2. Use Fast Charging Stations

When planning your EV charging during summer road trips, using fast charging stations is essential whenever possible. Fast charging stations can charge your EV much more quickly than regular charging stations can, allowing you to get back on the road faster. Fast charging stations typically provide a charge rate of around 50 kW or more, adding up to 150 miles of range in just 30 minutes. However, it’s important to note that fast charging can strain your EV’s battery more, so it’s best to use them sparingly.

3. Charge When It’s Cooler

Another useful tip for planning your EV charging during summer road trips is to charge when it’s cooler. High temperatures can reduce the efficiency of your EV’s battery, making it take longer to charge and reducing its overall range. Therefore, it’s best to charge your EV when the temperature is lower, such as in the early morning or late evening. This will help ensure your EV’s battery is fully charged and ready to go when needed.

4. Bring Charging Cables and Adapters

When planning your EV charging during summer road trips, it’s essential to bring charging cables and adapters with you. Not all charging stations have the same connectors, so having the right cables and adapters will ensure that you can charge your EV at any station you come across. Most EVs come with a standard charging cable, but it’s a good idea to bring an additional cable or adapter just in case. This will help ensure that you can charge your EV no matter where you are.

5. Keep Your EV Cool

Finally, keeping your EV cool during summer road trips is essential. High temperatures can reduce the efficiency of your EV’s battery and affect its overall range, so it’s important to keep it as cool as possible. One way to keep your EV cool is to park it in a shaded area whenever it’s feasible. This will help reduce the heat absorbed by your EV’s battery, allowing it to charge more efficiently. Another way to keep your EV cool is to use the air conditioning sparingly. While air conditioning can be essential during hot summer days, it can also strain your EV’s battery. Therefore, using it only when necessary and at a lower output is best.

Outstanding EV Charger Installations

Planning your EV charging during summer road trips requires some extra considerations compared to regular daily driving. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your EV is fully charged and ready to go whenever you need it, allowing you to enjoy your summer road trip without any worries. At Electrical Vehicle Charging Solutions & Installations in Rochester, we offer seamless residential EV Charger Installation, so call us today with any questions.